Tag Archives: car title loan

Open a Landscaping Business with a Car Title Loan Kelowna BC

Are you passionate about the outdoors and have a green thumb that you’re eager to put to work? Do you dream of creating stunning landscapes that transform ordinary spaces into breathtaking outdoor retreats? Starting a landscaping business could be the perfect entrepreneurial venture for you. And if you’re in Kelowna, BC, where the beauty of nature surrounds you at every turn, there’s no better place to embark on this journey. However, like any business endeavor, starting a landscaping company requires initial investment and capital. Fortunately, for aspiring entrepreneurs who may not have access to traditional financing options, there’s an innovative solution available: a car title loan.

What is a Car Title Loan?

A car title loan Kelowna BC is a type of secured loan where the borrower uses their vehicle’s title as collateral to secure funds. Unlike traditional bank loans, which often require extensive credit checks and lengthy approval processes, car title loans offer a more accessible and streamlined approach to borrowing money.

A car title loan is readily available from reputable lenders who specialize in providing fast and flexible financing solutions to needy individuals. These loans are particularly attractive to entrepreneurs looking to start a business, as they offer quick access to cash without the hassle of navigating complex financial requirements.

Launching Your Landscaping Business

With the financial barrier removed, you can focus on turning your landscaping business dream into a reality. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Create a Business Plan: Define your business objectives, identify your target market, specify the services you provide, establish your pricing model, and detail your marketing tactics. A well-thought-out business plan will serve as your roadmap to success and help you stay on track as you grow your business.

  2. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits: Before you can start operating your landscaping business in Kelowna, BC, you’ll need to obtain the required licenses and permits.

  3. Invest in Equipment and Supplies: Depending on the scope of your services, you’ll need to invest in essential equipment such as lawnmowers, trimmers, shovels, and other landscaping tools. You’ll also need to purchase supplies such as plants, seeds, mulch, and soil to complete your projects.

  4. Build Your Brand: Establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for attracting customers and standing out in the competitive landscaping industry. Create a professional logo, develop a website, and invest in marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, and signage to promote your business.

  5. Provide Exceptional Service: Delivering high-quality work and exceptional customer service will help you build a positive reputation and generate word-of-mouth referrals. 

Starting a landscaping business in Kelowna can be a rewarding and lucrative venture for individuals with a passion for the outdoors and a knack for creating beautiful outdoor spaces. 

With the help of a car title loan, you can overcome financial obstacles and turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality. So why wait? Take the first step towards building your landscaping empire today!

What Expenses Are Involved in Putting Up a Landscaping Business?

Starting a landscaping business involves various expenses, both one-time and ongoing. Here’s a breakdown of the typical expenses involved:

Equipment and Tools:

  • Lawnmowers
  • Trimmers
  • Blowers
  • Edgers
  • Rakes
  • Shovels
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Sprayers
  • Safety gear (gloves, goggles, boots, etc.)


  • Purchase or lease of a truck or van
  • Vehicle maintenance and fuel costs

Licensing and Permits:

  • Business License
  • Contractor’s license (if required in your area)
  • Permits for operating in certain areas or for specific services

It’s essential to create a comprehensive business plan to estimate these expenses accurately and plan for any financing needed to cover startup costs. Additionally, ongoing expenses such as equipment maintenance, advertising, and insurance premiums should be factored into your budget for the long term.

Transform Your Financial Situation with Same Day Cash Loans

For the last decade, Same Day Cash Loan has been a trusted partner for numerous Canadians, offering a comprehensive range of financial solutions tailored to the needs of the underbanked, all under one roof. Our car title loan service stands out as the pinnacle of our offerings, providing unparalleled assistance when you need it most. Simply grab your car keys and allow us to guide you from financial struggle to stability.

We firmly believe that Canadians facing credit disruptions deserve more options than traditional financial institutions can offer. With a steadfast commitment to our customers, we approach every financial challenge as if it were our own. This dedication is what sets us apart as the premier financial service provider nationwide.

Recognizing that emergencies can strike anyone without warning, we understand the importance of reliable assistance during times of financial strain. Trusting a lender can be daunting, but with a decade of unwavering support from customers like you, we have proven ourselves as a beacon of reliability. Our car title loans are precisely what you need to navigate unexpected financial hurdles with confidence.

Advantages of Choosing Our Online Car Title Loans

When you opt for an online car title loan with us, you unlock several benefits that cater to your financial needs. Unlike payday loans, which typically offer short-term solutions, our loan program extends from 1 to 4 years, providing you with a longer repayment period. Your vehicle serves as collateral, ensuring accessibility to the loan without stringent eligibility criteria or credit checks.

Our car title loans are especially advantageous for individuals with low credit scores, offering a viable solution for obtaining significant amounts of funding that may be available through something other than traditional lenders. Additionally, unlike some lenders who seize your vehicle, we allow you to retain ownership and use of your car throughout the repayment process.

Experience the freedom of maintaining possession of your vehicle while fulfilling your loan obligations with us.

Rev up your landscaping business with Same Day Cash Loan! Get the quick cash boost you need with our hassle-free car title loans. Say goodbye to delays and hello to growth. Drive your business forward today by applying for a car title loan. Visit our website or call us at 1-855-904-9880 to get started.

Open a Yacht Tour Business with Auto Title Loan Surrey BC

Imagine the gentle sway of the ocean, the crisp sea breeze on your face, and the breathtaking views of the coastline. Now, envision turning this dream into a thriving business – a yacht tour business in Surrey, British Columbia. The idea of starting a yacht tour business may seem daunting, but with the right resources and a well-thought-out plan, it can become a reality. In this article, we will explore how you can open a yacht tour business in Surrey, BC with the help of an auto title loan.

The Allure of Yacht Tours

Surrey, BC, is nestled along the stunning coastline of the Pacific Ocean, making it an ideal location for a yacht tour business. Yacht tours are becoming increasingly popular as people seek unique and luxurious experiences. They offer a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse oneself in the tranquility of the sea. Launching a yacht tour business in Surrey can tap into this growing demand for memorable experiences.

Funding Your Yacht Tour Business

One of the primary challenges in starting a yacht tour business is securing the necessary funds. Yachts are not inexpensive, and operating costs can add up quickly. However, you don’t need to drain your savings or seek traditional bank loans, especially if you own a vehicle. An auto title loan Surrey BC can be a practical and convenient solution to fund your yacht tour venture.

Auto Title Loan – Explained

An auto title loan, also known as a car title loan or a car collateral loan, is a type of secured loan where you use your vehicle’s title as collateral. In Surrey, BC, and many other parts of Canada, you can obtain an auto title loan by providing your vehicle’s title, proof of income, and proof of identification to a lending institution.

What are the Costs of Opening a Yacht Tour Business?

Opening a yacht tour business can be an exciting venture, but it’s important to understand the costs involved to plan your budget effectively. The expenses can vary widely depending on factors like location, the size of your operation, the type of yachts you plan to use, and the services you intend to offer. Here are some of the common costs associated with starting a yacht tour business:

Yacht Purchase or Lease: This is often the most significant expense. The cost of purchasing or leasing yachts can vary greatly depending on the size, age, and condition of the vessels. 

Licensing and Permits: You will need various licenses and permits to operate a yacht tour business legally. These may include business licenses, maritime permits, and passenger-carrying licenses.

Dockage and Mooring Fees: You’ll need a place to dock and store your yachts when they’re not in use. Fees for a marina or dock space can be significant, especially in popular tourist areas.

Maintenance and Repairs: Yachts require regular maintenance, repairs, and inspections to ensure they are safe and in good working condition. Allocate funds for regular upkeep and unforeseen repair expenses.

Marketing and Advertising: To attract customers, you’ll need to invest in marketing and advertising, which can include website development, social media promotion, and print materials.

Safety Equipment: Safety is a top priority in the maritime industry. You’ll need to invest in safety equipment such as life jackets, life rafts, fire extinguishers, and navigation systems.

Fuel and Operating Costs: Fuel is a significant ongoing expense, along with other operational costs like maintenance, cleaning, and utilities.

Booking and Reservation System: You may need to invest in a reservation system to manage bookings efficiently.

It’s essential to create a detailed business plan to estimate your specific costs accurately and assess the potential revenue streams. Additionally, seek advice from industry experts and consider talking to other yacht tour operators to gain insights into the costs involved. 

The Most Dependable Source of an Auto Title Loan

For the past decade, Same Day Cash Loan has been a lifeline for countless Canadians, offering a wide range of financial services under one roof to support the underbanked. Among our offerings, our auto title loan service stands out as the premier choice. Don’t hesitate—grab your car keys and let us transform your life from hardship to prosperity.

We firmly believe that Canadians facing credit challenges deserve more options than traditional financial institutions can provide. Our unwavering commitment is to prioritize our customers, taking our responsibility to assist you seriously. Your problems become our own, which is why we proudly stand as the nation’s premier financial service provider for you.

We acknowledge that emergencies can strike anyone, catching them off guard financially. It’s not easy to place your trust in just any lender, but your support over the past decade has enabled us to be your reliable ally. Our car title loans are precisely what you need during times of unexpected financial necessity.

Advantages of Choosing Our Auto Title Loans

The primary benefit of selecting our online auto title loan is the extended loan duration, ranging from 1 to 4 years, providing borrowers with the collateral they need to secure the loan. In contrast, other loans like payday loans offer only short-term solutions before requiring full repayment of principal and interest.

Furthermore, our car title loans extend a helping hand to individuals with less-than-perfect credit scores. By using your vehicle as collateral, we minimize eligibility requirements and eliminate the need for a credit check. This makes our loans an ideal choice when you require a substantial sum, as opposed to the limited amounts typically offered by payday lenders, particularly for borrowers who may not qualify for other forms of credit.

One significant advantage of our car title loans is that you retain ownership of your vehicle. Unlike other lenders, we don’t take it away, leaving you in a difficult situation. With us, you can continue to drive your car while making manageable loan payments.

Experience financial flexibility now with Same Day Cash Loan! Get a fast and hassle-free auto title loan using your vehicle as security. Secure your funds today for a brighter tomorrow by visiting our website or by giving us a ring at 1-855-904-9880!

How Can Businesses Get The Benefit Of Advance Loans?

Start-ups and small businesses need working capital to run or maintain their business. The owners can get advance loans and use them to increase and improve cash flow, buy expensive equipment and drive growth.

These loans are cheaper than other loans in the market and you need not surrender a part of your business to the lending institutions. Nowadays, it is easy to apply for a loan for your business even if your credit score or financial history is not up to the mark. 

Before applying for a loan, you must know how much money you need, for what purposes you’re going to use it and how long it will take you to repay it.

Where Can You Use The Business Advance Loans Amount?

You can use business loan funds to cover a wide range of expenses including the following but not limited to: 

  1. To increase and build your working capital
  2. To open your business at a new location
  3. To pay employees’ wages
  4. To consolidate loans (if any)
  5. To use for advertising and marketing of your business
  6. To upgrade your office infrastructures
  7. To add more products/services to your existing list

What Things Lending Institutions Consider While Offering Advance Loans?

Are you thinking of applying for an advance loan from major banks or traditional lenders? Well, that is a good idea. But you should be aware of their terms since they lend business loans to those who are in the business for at least one year and have a good credit score. Here are other aspects that are considered while providing a loan to you:

Time spent in business

The amount of time you spend in business can affect your chances of getting a loan. The more time you spend in the business, the more chances of getting approved. This lets your lender think that you and your business are stable and reliable.

Monthly or annual business revenue

Many lenders want businesses to earn a certain amount of profit or revenue each month or year. This is to ensure that you are getting enough income to pay your daily living expenses as well as the new loan you are applying for.

Personal credit

Are you opening a new start-up or are you new to a business and haven’t gotten a chance to build your business credit? In such situations, lenders usually examine the personal credit of the borrower to check for creditworthiness.


Many times lenders ask the borrowers to get something as collateral in getting approval for the loan. This is just a layer of protection that makes lending institutions trust you and recover the loan amount if you default your payments. The higher the equity value of your collateral, the higher your chances of getting approval.

Required documents

Almost all lenders will verify your identity, a few necessary details about you and your business. They will need a few documents including your identity card, permanent address  and other papers related to the collateral. If you meet their requirements, only then you’ll be able to get the loan approval. 

If you cannot qualify for a loan from banks or traditional lenders, you should look for alternative lenders. Several alternative lenders such as Same Day Cash Loan provide loan options that are available for anyone who needs quick money. 

To know about advance loans, you can visit our website online. You can also connect with us by calling us at our (toll-free number) 1-855-904-9880. Apply today!

You can also follow us on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Same-Day-Cash-Loan/

Solve Your Financial Stress With A Fast Money Title Loan

When it comes to managing your finances, there are a lot of things that need to be considered. Knowing how to manage your money is an essential life skill that you must have or else you’ll end up getting buried in debt if you don’t have it. Learn how to stop living from paycheck to paycheck, save more than you spend, get a fast money title loan to pay for sudden expenses and get on top of your financial problems.

Everybody faces financial stress every once in a while. The thing is, some people are better at dealing with stress than others. But if you know how to manage your money in a way that allows you to feel more in-control, you’ll be less likely to fall victim to the financial stress that comes from not knowing how much money you have left your bank account.

Your financial stress originates from spending more than you earn. That is why the income that you have may not be able to meet all your financial needs. Fortunately, there are several ways on how to improve your financial position.

How To Manage Your Money For A Happier Life?

Living from paycheck to paycheck puts you in a dangerous position because you are always under the mercy of your employer. If you don’t have a steady income, your life will be full of stress especially when it comes to paying the bills. If you have a huge medical bill to pay or your credit card dues have accumulated to shocking numbers, or if an emergency comes up, you can deal with it with the help of fast money title loans. Apply for this loan from a reliable lender such as Same Day Cash Loan.

The first step to managing your money is knowing your monthly income and overall monthly expenses. Set a monthly budget and figure out exactly how much income you have against your expenses.

Determine how much money you make each month. If you’re living a reckless lifestyle and have bad spending habits, chances are you really don’t know how much money you are spending. 

Find out if you are spending more than you earn. It’s time to make some changes. Make sure that your income is enough to meet all of your essential monthly expenses. Then only buy your wants with the money left after paying your important expenses.

If you’re looking for a way to eliminate your financial stress, apply for a fast money title loan. It is quick and easy to get instant cash as long as you have all the necessary information and requirements. These loans can be used to cover household expenses or to pay for sudden financial emergencies. To get a loan from Same Day Cash Loan, you can call our toll-free number at 1-855-904-9880 or apply online.

How To Deal With Financial Stress?

When people think of well-being, what comes to their mind is their mental and physical health. No doubt that these are extremely important factors but there is another aspect like one’s financial well-being which directly impacts the peace in their lives. Financial well-being comprises financial health and literacy. Being good with finances indicates that they are able to handle financial obligations and can manage their money matters well.

Financial stability is defined as the person’s finances and the ability to fulfill the financial commitments within a defined timeline. This term is more subjective and refers to the attitude and confidence of an individual in managing his or her finances. 

Financial literacy is defined as the knowledge and skills that a person has and how he implements the strategies to sort out his finances. Financial stress arises when any one of the factors like financial health, literacy or welfare are affected. 

However, several Canadians suffer from financial stress. Approximately 48% of these individuals believe that they do not get peaceful sleep due to financial stress. This is not limited to a particular age group, instead, various people struggle from financial stress, those with different backgrounds, financial situations, and occupations. 

What Do You Mean By Financial Stress?

When a person is worried or feels stressed about his finances, that person is suffering from financial stress. Many sources can generate financial stress in one’s life. Some of them include:  

  • Have to pay a huge amount of loan
  • Having difficulty to save money for financial goals
  • Going through unexpected expenses
  • Experiencing difficult in managing daily expenses
  • Living from paycheck to paycheck

Other personal issues and happenings can also contribute to this situation including:

  • Going through a divorce
  • Becoming a parent and having plenty of responsibilities
  • Being a caretaker
  • Natural tragedies
  • Recent job loss 

Various Effects Of Financial Stress in One’s Life

Financial stress can affect a person in various ways including mental & physical health, work-life, personal relationships and more. 

Studies show that financial stress directly affects one’s thought process, feelings and behavior. This can lead to depression and anxiety. 

Physically, it can affect one in several ways such as; insomnia, weight loss or weight gain, headaches, muscle tension, high blood pressure, etc. 

At work, it can affect one’s performance and working ability. It can make one have difficulty in concentrating, can lower the morale, generate errors in day-to-day work, and can also affect the relationship with co-workers.  


Are you also going through financial stress and facing rejection with loan applications from traditional lenders or major banks? If yes, then you need not worry. 

Same Day Cash Loan can help you deal with financial stress by providing you the required funds though a car title loan. You can contact us at our (toll-free number) 1-855-904-9880 to get the complete details or apply on our website online. 

You can also follow us on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Same-Day-Cash-Loan/


Know Your Finances Well And Get Out Of Debt In 2024

The year 2020 was really hard for everyone and a lot of us had to go through tough times and haven’t really recovered from it. Many Canadians lost their jobs or didn’t get their salaries in time. People had to get loans for basic necessities like buying groceries, paying for utility bills, etc. Personal finance was one such matter for these people which really didn’t go as planned. A lot of people are still covered in debt and are looking for ways to get out of it. 

The first step is to list down all your debts like bills, pending credit card reports, etc. This way, you’ll have a clear picture of what needs to be paid. Next, compute your income from all possible sources such as; salary, rental income, etc. Once you know what you own and what you owe, you’ll have a clear picture of handling the expenses in an efficient way. 

Through this blog, we will try our best to provide you with ways to manage your finances and live a stress-free life. 

Ways To Get Out Of Debt

  1. Get a second job – This is the first thing you should do in order to have more income. A second job can help ensure that you’ll have more income and you can go for even bigger payments to get rid of debt quickly. 
  2. Spend wisely – Since you are low in funds as of the moment, go for things that won’t add to your existing financial problems. Cut down on all unnecessary expenses that are draining your wallet. For instance, instead of dining out, cook and dine at home, don’t go to the gym, exercise at home,  etc. 
  3. Pay more to clear your debts – Whatever your monthly payments are for various debts, pay more than what you used to. This way, you’ll finish off your debts sooner than expected. 
  4. Consolidate your debt – You can consolidate your debt and instead of making separate payments for all of them, just make one payment to cover them all. By doing so, you’ll be able to manage your debts easily.
  5. Use your assets to generate more income – You can use your fully-paid assets like cars, motorcycles, trucks, etc. as collateral to generate more income. We at Same Day Cash Canada provide car title loans to help people manage their personal finances

A Car Title Loan To Your Rescue

Every vehicle has equity value that can be used to get a car title loan. Here, a lien-free title is used as collateral to get the loan amount in exchange. So, to pay for your accumulated debt, you can apply for a loan against your car title. 

You don’t have to surrender your car to us. One of the best things about an auto equity loan is that your financial history isn’t an important factor. People with bad credit scores can still enjoy the loan benefits and pay off for their debts by applying for car title loans.. 

To know more about vehicle title loans, you can call us at our toll-free number 1-855-904-9880 and talk to one of our loan representatives. 

You can also follow us on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Same-Day-Cash-Loan/

Get a Bad Credit Score Auto Loan To Fund Your Emergency Cash Needs

During difficult times in our lives we seek help and support from our friends or family. Although it may seem like a quick and easy option, you cannot rely on it solely. For instance, if you need fast cash, you cannot always ask them because it can get a little embarrassing. Instead, you can apply for a personal loan with a bank or try borrowing from other financial institutions.

These options are not instant helpers. Financial institutions have a long process of going through your credit profile before letting you borrow cash. For instances like a medical emergency or overdue credit card bills you need instant money and that’s what we provide you through our bad credit score auto loan

What Is A Bad Credit Score Auto Loan?

You can use your vehicle as collateral to get money through a car equity loan. It’s that simple. Using your vehicle title as security for the loaned amount is the best solution because almost everybody owns a car and using it as collateral doesn’t mean that you need to surrender your car to us.

In order to get funds through this loan, you must have a fully-paid car and a lien-free car title. You can borrow an amount of up to $40,000 just by pawning the car title. The positive equity value and working condition of your vehicle are the basis in calculating the amount you are eligible to avail for the loan. A credit score of the borrower is something that every lender considers before approving his loan request. But with our bad credit score auto loan, we  accept all types of credit. So even if you have a credit score below 574, we will still loan you money.

Hassle-free Documentation

Paperwork plays an important role when applying for a loan. Banks and other lenders ask for loads of paperwork and the borrower is made to sign a lot of documents to apply for a loan. Once the application is submitted along with the required paperwork, verification of these documents itself takes a lot of time and the borrower is left waiting for the approval. 

This makes the whole experience frustrating and time-consuming. In contrast, applying for a loan through Same Day Cash Loan is quick and easy because of minimal documents needed to process a loan. This helps you get instant approval of your loan request. 

Below are the requirements in getting a vehicle collateral loan:

  • Lien-free vehicle title papers
  • The vehicle shouldn’t be older than 10 years
  • A valid Canadian driver’s license
  • Proof of permanent residence
  • Registration and insurance of your vehicle under your name
  • The second set of keys to your vehicle
  • Proof of legal age in your province

Advantages Of A Car Title Loan

Our lending process is pro-borrower. We kept the requirements to a minimum. You don’t even have to let go of your vehicle, you can still use it even while making the monthly payments. We guarantee you the best loan experience across Canada when it comes to a bad credit score auto loan.

Call us at our toll-free number  1-855-904-9880 to learn more about this loan or apply online.


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Get A Specialized Car Equity Loan For Your Financial Troubles

During these times of distress, many people are finding it difficult to handle their money affairs with efficiency. Problems like overdue credit card bills, medical emergencies, routine grocery expenses, etc. are some of the problems being faced by them. Either they are selling their assets for money or they are turning to  immediate family or friends for help. On the other hand, a specialized car equity loan has become quite popular because it gets you quick cash for all your urgent money needs. With its many benefits, people use it to cater to emergencies like divorce settlements, college tuition and books, and  house renovations etc. Below you’ll read about all the benefits you can get by using your  vehicle as collateral. 

Benefits of A Car Collateral Loan

With the help of a car collateral loan, you can get the  help you need within hours of applying. Same Day Cash Loan is a leading provider of auto equity loans and is known for processing loan requests within 24 hours of receiving them. Our process of dealing with the loan request is quick and easy. If you have a car that’s fully paid for, you can get this loan in no time. All you need to have is a clear vehicle title that is free from loans, liens, and financing. You have to use your car as collateral but without having to lose it, meaning you get to keep it and use it as you normally do.

Another benefit of choosing us over any other lender out there is that we don’t need your credit report for the loan. If you have a bad credit score, there are chances you’ll end up paying a much higher  interest rate. People fall prey to high monthly installments when they apply for a personal loan with banks and other lenders. But with us, you don’t have to worry about your dented credit history or low credit score. We don’t do Debt Checks and people with all types of credit can apply. In our loan, your vehicle acts as collateral for your loan. Your loan is supported by the title documents of your vehicle and hence a credit score really doesn’t matter. 

With our high approval rates, you have good chances of getting a specialized car equity loan as long as your vehicle is under 10 years of age. Another benefit is that you can continue using the vehicle as usual. There’s no requirement of storing the vehicle with us. Keep driving your vehicle while making monthly payments. All you have to submit is the lien-free title papers and spare set of keys.  

You can easily borrow up to $40,000 against your  vehicle. The maximum loan term  is 5 years which means easy and comfortable monthly payments. Another advantage of  our car equity loans is that we don’t ask for proof of income nor do we want your employment details. Also, if in case you ever feel like repaying the remaining loan in one go, you can do so through our prepayment facility and we won’t charge any penalty for that.     

All Credit Types Accepted

Many Canadian are in the process of building their credit history and it gets a little difficult for them to apply for loans especially during these present circumstances. There are chances that your loan application will be rejected by the bank due to no history of credit. But with Same Day Cash Loan, people with all sorts of credit can apply and get a title loan against their vehicle.   

Documents To Be Submitted

For more detailed information, you can get in touch with us through our online platform or talk to one of our loan agents. We will guide you through the process of our specialized car equity loans. All you have to do is fill out a simple application form with basic details like your name, email address, vehicle details etc. You will also have to provide the following paperwork so that we can start your loan process:

  1. Proof of legal age as per your province
  2. Lien-free title to your vehicle
  3. Vehicle registration in your name
  4. Valid Canadian driver’s license
  5. Proof of permanent residence
  6. Insurance papers of your vehicle (inclusive of collision and comprehensive)
  7. Spare set of keys to your vehicle (it should work on all doors and ignition)

So next time if you ever find yourself in financial trouble and banks have turned their back on you, try Same Day Cash Loan. You can reach  us toll free 1-855-904-9880 or you can also apply online. 


You Can Also Follow Us On Social Media:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/samedaycash1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samedaycashloancanada

Need A Loan? Use Your Car As Collateral Cash!

Financial emergencies pop up at the most unexpected times. Monthly bills  keep piling up. Emergency savings or a quick loan usually can take care of these unexpected expenses. Obtaining a loan at the last minute can seem to be an impossible task, especially when your credit isn’t  good. The best decision you can make is to put up an asset as collateral. This way you can get the loan you need and take care of the emergency as quickly and efficiently as possible. These type of loans are also called collateral loans.

Car Collateral Loans Can Help!

When you end up finding yourself in need of fast cash, you usually depend on your bank to get that instant help. However, borrowing money from the banks and other credit unions these days is much more difficult than you think. If you currently own your vehicle outright you  can use it as collateral to get a car collateral loan. Borrowing the cash you need using these collateral loans is easier than applying for any other type of loan in the market. There are just a few basic steps that will get you the cash you need in your hands quickly and easily.

Same Day Cash Loan specializes in providing fast and easy car collateral loans across Canada. We have the best customer service because helping you the cash you need is our number one priority. The process is completely secure and confidential, with  no Financial History Check or job requirements.

Car collateral loans are a  type of loans in which your vehicle is used as collateral. These loans use the title of your car as security for the loan instead of your credit to provide you cash to borrow. Same day Cash Loan allows you to borrow up to $40,000 based on your vehicle’s market value and condition. All you need to do is fill out the  application form, submit the minimum documentation and get approved in less than an hour.

Applying For A Loan Is Easy With Us!

1-Apply Online or Call Us

2-Fill Out Easy Paperwork

3-Get A Quote

4-Get Approved

5-Drive Off With Cash!

Are There Any Requirements?

Being approved for a car collateral loan is easier than being approved for any other loan. There are a few minor requirements that need to be met:

  • You must be the age of maturity and possession of a valid Canadian driver’s license.
  • Your vehicle must have a clear title, free of any financial obligations.
  • You must have all the appropriate registration and insurance papers for your vehicle in your name.
  • We require the second set of keys to your vehicle

Some benefits of getting car collateral loan with us include:

Fast and Secure

When you get a car collateral loan from Same Day Cash Loan, you get the money you need quickly. We understand when there is urgent need of cash, waiting is not an option. You will get the money within hours of your loan approval with us.

No Debt Check or Job Requirements

You don’t have to worry about your credit score or your job! We don’t care whether  you have good credit, bad credit or no credit at all. Get approved for a loan even with a  bad credit score. Your vehicle is the most important factor for the loan!

Cash On The Same Day

Our approval process is fast! Get your cash on the same day of approval.

Keep Your Car

We only take the title of your vehicle for the duration of the loan. So you get to keep and use your vehicle as usual.. As soon as you pay back the loan, you are free to walk away with your title.

Interest Rates

We provide the lowest interest rates in the industry which make monthly payment manageable and budget friendly.

So, hurry up and fill out our online application form today and get approved for a car collateral loan with us!Call us (toll free)1-855-904-9880 if you have any questions. Our friendly loan representatives will provide you with the information you need to get your cash quickly and walk  you through the entire loan procedure within minutes. Apply online now!

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